10 Kitchen Tips To Help Ease Your Kitchen Stress!
1) Cleaning A Food Spill From The Oven:While your oven is still warm, sprinkle the spill with table salt.Once the oven has cooled, scrape it up with a spatula.
2) Extinguishing Small Stovetop Fires:
Always have either a box of baking soda
or salt close by. If a fire breaks out, pour over flames.
3) Cleaning The Glass On Your Oven Door:
Using a damp washcloth, sprinkle it with baking soda.
Using a circular motion be sure to cover the glass with the baking soda.
Baking soda will help dissolve those pesky baked on stains.
Rinse with a warm wet washcloth and wipe dry.
It will look like a brand new oven door.
4) Keep Your Oven Floor Clean:
Line the oven with tinfoil, or a rectangular foil cookie sheet.
It will catch anything that bubbles over, and when it gets dirty you can just replace it.
Instead of scrubbing like a crazy person.
5) Defrost Your Freezer With Ease: The next time you defrost your freezer. Once you have cleaned it out,
wipe it dry with a clean towel. Put a small amount onto a piece of paper toweland wipe the metal edges with it. The next time the ice starts to build up,
it will just fall right off.
6) Getting Raw Egg Off Of The Floor:
Cover it with salt, let it sit 5-10 minutes
and then easily sweep it up with the broom.
7) Removing Coffee And Tea Stains:
Getting those stains out of your counter tops,
coffee mugs or fabric can be a pain. Make a water
and baking soda paste rub onto stains.
Wait five minutes and rinse.
8) Cleaning Burnt Pans:
A) Coat burnt area with a baking soda and water paste,let stand for 3 hours and scrape clean with a spatula .
B) Fill half way with water. Bring water to a boil. Cover and remove from heat. Let it sit for an hour,
rinse with soap and hot water. It should almost wipe right out.
9) For A Shiny Kitchen Floor:
Add 1 Cup of vinegar to your mop water. Not only will it make your floor look great,but it will also remove any odors in the air!!
10) Avoiding Tarnishing Of The Outside Of Your Pots:
Always, always, always use the proper size burner for your pots.When you use a burner that is too big for your pot,
the high heat from the burner floats up and around the pot.
Instead of under it, where it should be.
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