Buying The Freshest Produce Will Save You Money, It Will Last Longer And Go Further!
Vibrant Color: Chose the vegetables with bright, vibrant colors. Be sure there is no yellowing of the skin. Especially with broccoli, cauliflower, and your leafy greens! Always check for bruises, blemishes and soft spots.Tight Skin: Loose or wrinkled skin indicates the vegetable is drying out and has been sitting for a while. Be sure to look for taut, firm skin.
Smell: Your vegetables should have a clean, fresh fragrance that makes you smile.
Firmness: Your vegetables should be firm with a heavier weight. If they seem light, it could indicate the vegetable is drying out!
Fresh Ends: To be sure your root vegetables are of the best quality and as fresh as they can be, inspect the cut ends to insure they are clean and free from any withering or browning. The cut should look fresh and moist!